Module @ckb-lumos/codec


This module provides a set of functions to pack(encode) and unpack(decode) data.

graph TD;

Quick Start

import { struct, Uint8, Uint128 } from "@ckb-lumos/codec";

// udt-info.mol
// struct UDTInfo {
// total_supply: Uint128,
// decimals: Uint8,
// }
// array Uint8 [byte; 1];
// array Uint128 [byte; 16];

// 1. create molecule binding
const UDTInfo /*: Codec */ = struct(
totalSupply: Uint128,
decimals: Uint8,
["totalSupply", "decimals"]

// 2. usage
// 2.1 pack
const buf /*: Uint8Array*/ = UDTInfo.pack({
totalSupply: BI.from(21000000 * 10 ** 8),
decimals: 8,
// 2.2 unpack
const udtInfo = UDTInfo.unpack(buf); // { totalSupply: BI(21000000 * 10 ** 8), decimals: 8 }


Molecule is a lightweight serialization system that focuses only on the layout of byte(s) and not on specific data types. This library will help developers to create TypeScript-friendly molecule bindings in an easy way.

layout is a set of Codec that helps to bind molecule to JavaScript plain object/array.

  • array: Array<T> <=> Uint8Array
  • vector: Array<T> <=> Uint8Array
  • struct: { [key: string]: T } <=> Uint8Array
  • table: { [key: string]: T } <=> Uint8Array
  • option: T | undefined <=> Uint8Array
  • union: { type: string, value: T } <=> Uint8Array


RGB Color

Suppose we want to describe an RGB color, then we can use a tuple3 of uint8 to describe the color

# color-by-tuple3.mol

array RGB [Uint8; 3];
const RGB = array(Uint8, 3);

const [r, g, b] = RGB.unpack(buffer);
// const unpacked = RGB.unpack(buffer)
// const r = unpacked[0];
// const g = unpacked[1];
// const b = unpacked[2];

Of course, we could also use a struct to more directly describe rgb separately

# color-by-struct.mol

struct RGB {
  r: Uint8,
  g: Uint8,
  b: Uint8,
const RGB = struct(
{ r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8 },
["r", "g", "b"] // order of the keys needs to be consistent with the schema

const { r, g, b } = RGB.unpack(buffer);
// const unpacked = RGB.unpack(buffer);
// const r = unpacked.r;
// const g = unpacked.g;
// const b = unpacked.b;


number is a set of Codec that helps to encode/decode number to/from Uint8Array. Because of ckb-vm is a RISCV machine, the number is encoded in little-endian by default.

  • Uint8(BE|LE): number <=> Uint8
  • Uint16(BE|LE): number <=> Uint16
  • Uint32(BE|LE): number <=> Uint32
  • Uint64(BE|LE): BI <=> Uint64
  • Uint128(BE|LE): BI <=> Uint128
  • Uint256(BE|LE): BI <=> Uint256
  • Uint512(BE|LE): BI <=> Uint512
import { Uint32, Uint128 } from "@ckb-lumos/codec";

const packedU32 = Uint32.pack(100); // == Uint8Array([100, 0, 0, 0]) little-endian
// const packedU32 = Uint32LE.pack(100); // == Uint8Array([100, 0, 0, 0]) little-endian
const packedU32BE = Uint32BE.pack(100); // == Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 100]) big-endian

// unpack sUDT amount to a BI(BigInteger)
const sudtAmount = Uint128.unapck("0x0000e45d76a1f90e0c00000000000000"); // == BI.from('222440000000000000000')
// Uint8Array or Uint8Array are also supported
// Uint128.unpack(
// Uint8Array.from([
// 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x5d,
// 0x76, 0xa1, 0xf9, 0x0e,
// 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// ])
// );

Custom Codec

When we encounter molecule layouts like byte | array SomeBytes [byte; n] | vector SomeBytes <byte>, and the common codec is not sufficient, we can customize the codec to help us interpret these byte(s)

Let's see an example of how to implement a UTF8String codec. If we want to store a UTF8String of indefinite length, then the corresponding molecule structure should be a vector UTF8String <byte>

import { byteVecOf, bytes } from "@ckb-lumos/codec";
import { Buffer } from "buffer"; //

const UTF8String = byteVecOf<string>({
pack: (str) => {
return Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(str, "utf8")).buffer;
unpack: (buf) => {
return Buffer.from(bytes.bytify(buf)).toString("utf8");

Why I Need This Module

molecule is flexible in that it is a serialization scheme that focuses only on byte(s) layout. When developers encounter byte | array FixedBytes [byte; n] | vector DynBytes <byte>, these byte(s) need to be translated into understandable data types, such as array Uint32 [byte; 4] is generally translated as number.

This module can help us convert bytes to common data types in a simple way. If you have some experience with CKB, you will have encountered more complex scripts like OmniLock, where it is easy to get confused about how to handle bytes when we want to sign it, if we can combine WitnessArgs.lock(BytesOpt) with OmniLockWitnessLock.signature(BytesOpt), then it will be easier to do the signing, we can check the real world OmniLock witness case to see how it works

table WitnessArgs {
    lock:                   BytesOpt,          // Lock args
    inputType:             BytesOpt,          // Type args for input
    outputType:            BytesOpt,          // Type args for output

table OmniLockWitnessLock {
    signature: BytesOpt,
    rc_identity: RcIdentityOpt,
    preimage: BytesOpt,

Works with TypeScript

Get Type Definition from Value

import { molecule } from "@ckb-lumos/codec";
import type { UnpackResult } from "@ckb-lumos/codec";

const { struct } = molecule;

const RGB = struct(
{ r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8 },
["r", "g", "b"] // order of the keys needs to be consistent with the schema

// We don't need to repeat the definition like this
// type UnpackedRGB = { r: number; g: number; b: number };
type UnpackedRGB = UnpackResult<typeof RGB>;




Type Aliases


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